Access up to $125,000 in government funding to boost your business technology

What Is CDAP?

1. Objective and Funding: With an allocation of $4 billion to support SMEs in theirdigital transformation journey.

2. Boost Your Business Technology Grant: CDAP is the "Boost Your Business Technology" grant. This grant allows eligible applicants to receive up to $15,000.This funding is intended to retain a Digital advisor and to offset the costs of planning and implementing digital transformation strategies​​​​.

3. Impact on SMEs and the Canadian Economy:
The program aims to support up to 160,000 (SMBs) in adopting new technologies. This initiative is not only about enhancing the digital capabilities of SMEs but also about stimulating economic growth and creating job opportunities for young Canadians.

How can Automacy help?

Automacy AI is an Government Approved Digital Advisor for CDAP

Guide you through the application process for CDAP grants and resources

Develop a tailored digital adoption roadmap for your business

Provide specialized services in digital transformation, technology integration, and more

Assist in implementing digital solutions, ensuring you meet program milestones and achieve desired outcomes

Complete the CDAP assessment tool to determine your whether you qualify for the program
Download the free information pamphlet
Check Your EligibilityI'd like an info packet

Frequently Asked Questions

Think you’re ready to take advantage of the Canada Digital Adoption program, but don’t know where to start? Here, we provide clarity on the most common points of confusion, what you can get from the Boost Your Business Technology Grant, and how Automacy can help you through every step of the process.

Can Automacy apply for funding on my behalf?
Who qualifies for a Boost Your Business Technology grant?
How do I access funds?
Can I access funding if I’ve participated in a digital adoption program before?
Can I work with any company that offers digital services?
Who will work with me on my digital adoption plan?
Can Automacy apply for funding on my behalf?
I’m not sure how to answer my digital maturity assessment, can Automacy help?
How long will it take to create my digital adoption plan?
What will I get as part of my digital adoption plan?
Can I use funding to purchase new hardware and platforms?
Will Automacy AI implement my digital adoption plan?
What do you know about the funded work placement program?
Can Automacy help with the Grow Your Business Online micro-grant?
I have several companies where I am an owner / director. Can I apply for multiple grants?

Have more questions? We have answers.
If you can’t find what we are looking for, feel free to get in touch.

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